Why God Cannot Get A PhD?
1. He had only one major publication.
2. It was in Hebrew.
3. It had no references.
4. It wasn’t published in a refereed journal.
5. Some even doubt he wrote it by himself.
6. It may be true that he created the world, but what has he done since then?…

zivi li se jos? (.ppt)


Mathematical problem:

Today mother is 21 years older then her child. In exactly 6 years mother will be 5 times older then child.
Question: Where is the father of that child now?

This is a real math problem, not a joke!
Answer is given below but try to solve this on your own…

Today kid is X years old, and mother is Y years old, or:
In 6 years, relation will be:
X = – 3/4 years
Therefore answer to question “where is daddy” is (be imaginative)…
(*hint* -> transform years into months…)


Sede Dalaj Lama i Bosanac na reci i pecaju… ćute mudruju i tek će ti Dalaj Lama svoju čuvenu misao: Život je reka!…

Ćute dalje i pecaju, pa kroz dva sata mudrovanja oglasi se i Bosanac: ma sutra malo je život reka. Život su žene, ćevapi, ladna piva i rakija!… Mudruju oni tako i dalje i kroz dva sata primeti Dalaj Lama: …E j… ga a ja ceo život mislio da je život reka…
Gde ide ovaj svet…
U 7 razredu, nastavnica je zadala klincima da pišu pismeni rad na temu “Slavne žene”. Nakon što je pregledala zadatke jedino što je mogla da prokomentariše je sledeće:
“Ne mogu da verujem, od svih slavnih žena, svi ste pisali o Seki Aleksic, Ceci….. Kako nikom nije palo na pamet da piše o nekoj drugoj ženi? Recimo, kako niko nije pisao o Mariji Kiri?”
Na šta su deca počela da se smeju:
“Ali nastavnice, ne kaze se Marija Kiri, vec Maraja Keri.” …..